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Mrs Jenna Bardsley - Parent Governor

My name is Jenna Bardsley and I am a new parent at the school - my son is in year 1.

Although I have no background in education I am passionate about the education children receive and have a desire to do what I can to help ensure every child receives the support and opportunity to succeed in life in a safe and nurturing environment.

I feel that my work as an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist  (within the NHS healthcare sector) has enabled me to develop the appropriate skills required to successfully fulfil a Governor role: including decision making under pressure and in complex situations; leading and engaging teams to achieve shared goals and outcomes; being held accountable for decisions made; mentoring peers and junior staff members; communicating in a broad variety of situations with many different personalities/professionals/individuals (patients and relatives).  

I have some experience of governance in the clinical setting at work, having been part of a number of steering and governance groups to ensure best practice is delivered and to ensure individuals are held accountable to actions/decisions made.  I am comfortable speaking up on behalf of others and asking what can seem to be difficult questions.

Jenna Bardsley-Parent Governor

Link Governor-Safeguarding/SEND/PE

Appointed July 18th 2019 for a 4 year term

Attendance 2021-22 Full Governors 3/4

Teaching and Learning 2/3

Resource Management N/A