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Mrs Jade Ibbotson - Parent Governor

My name is Jade Ibbotson and I am a parent governor appointed in September 2020.I have a child in Year 2 and one in Reception.

I stood as a parent governor because I strongly believe that a child’s education has the ability to shape the rest of their lives, educationally, socially and morally. For me, one of the most important things is to be happy in school as happy children learn better. I feel like Hadfield Infant school offers all children, whatever their background the skills and opportunities they need to achieve their maximum potential.

Children delivering to the maximum of their potential is something that is also important to me in my professional life. I worked in education for the past ten years as a teacher in an inner-city school. I believe that this provides me with enough skills and knowledge to be of assistance in helping the school progress and move forward. During my time as a primary teacher I have worked across key stage one and key stage two. That experience is very valuable to the role of parent Governor as I have an awareness of what development level children need to be at to progress onwards though the education system. Prior to my daughter being born I was the science coordinator for the school I worked at and raised attainment in science through the development of an interesting and challenging science curriculum.

Recently I have worked 2 days a week at Hadfield Infants first in Reception and currently in Year 2.

Jade Ibbotson-Parent Governor

Link Governor-EYFS/GDPR/Science

Appointed September 2020 for a 4 year term

Attendance 2021-22 Full Governors 3/4

Teaching and Learning 2/3

Resource Management N/A