Mrs Catherine Ward - Parent Governor
My name is Catherine Ward and I have a daughter who currently attends the school in year 1. I am a qualified accountant with many years of experience working in the public sector. I am really excited to use the knowledge, experience and skills I have gained in my professional career to support the governing body at Hadfield Infant School at the start of a new and exciting chapter.
I applied to join the governing body of Hadfield Infant School as I am passionate about improving educational outcomes for children whilst also ensuring that the school has sound financial management and that spending is appropriate to ensure the best outcomes for the children. I am committed to ensuring that every child at Hadfield Infant School gets the best education possible in a safe and happy environment and that each child thrives during their time at the school.
I’m excited to join the governing body at the start of a new era for the school and am looking forward to working with everyone to ensure that all children at the school are given the best opportunities to reach their full potential.
Governor Details
Appointed- September 21st 2023 for a 4 year term.
Attendance 2022-3
Full Governors N/A
Resource Management N/A
Teaching and Learning Community Links N/A