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Mrs Amanda Robinson - Co-Opted Governor

After working at the school at various levels for many years I was co-opted to the governing body. This has allowed me to pass on some of the great ideas I hear from people on a day to day basis, from parents to colleagues but most of all concerning our children in school.

Bringing new ideas to the table, to help the school thrive and build on success, with the collaboration of the other governors and the school staff is something I feel very strongly about and have worked hard to achieve.

I have been fortunate to receive training both as a TA and a governor but for my own professional development and in these roles I have been inspired to seek further qualifications .I am now in my final year after 4 years part time study for my BA Hons in Children’s and Young People’s Education and Development. This has enhanced my skills and commitment and so benefitted the education of children in my care.

Amanda Robinson-Co-opted Governor

LINK governor –Key Stage 1/Work Scrutiny

Appointed October 31st 2019 - 4 years

Attendance 2022-23

 Full Governors 4/4                                     

Teaching and Learning 3/3

Resource Management N/A