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Mr Keith Walker - Co-Opted Governor

Mr Keith Walker

I was born in Salford in 1947 and in 1970 when I got married I moved to Hadfield. I have two grown up sons both of whom attended St Charles Primary School and St Philip Howard Catholic School. We now have two granddaughters. I was a Governor at St Charles for many years and I was a Governor at St Philip Howard for over 20 years serving with four different Headteachers. During that period my wife has been very supportive in my role as a Governor as it involves spending a lot of time at meetings etc.

At both schools I started as a Parent Governor and when my term of office expired I was elected as a Foundation Governor and eventually Chair of Governors at St Charles. When the Local Management of Schools [LMS] was introduced I was asked to chair the Finance Committee at both schools which is now called the Resource and Management Committee [RMC]. I was also a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee [TLC] at St Philip Howard.

I have a degree in chemistry and have worked all my life in the textile industry firstly in a Research Laboratory and then as a Technical Manager in a Dyeing & Printing factory where amongst other roles I was responsible for a £7m buying budget and training of scientific staff.

I have always been very passionate about educating people.

I have now retired which enabled me to be more hands on in my role as Governor.

For my sins I am a lifelong supporter of Manchester United. I also enjoy walking, drinking real ales, watching rugby union and cricket.

Keith Walker-Co-opted Governor-Chair of RMC

Link governor-Maths

Appointed May 2022 for a 4 year term

Attendance 2022-23 Full Governors 4/4

Resource Management 5/5

Teaching and Learning N/A