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Litter Picking 2023

Roughfields Litter Picking 2023

Excellent work from Hadfield Beavers who have been keeping Roughfields tidy. We think you are an inspiration to the community and we are very proud of you.  Well done to Barb and her team for helping the children to foster a love of nature, their community and their planet.



The Great British Spring Clean

Well done to all of our year one children for collecting litter on the way to Forest Schools. Thank you for helping to keep our community tidy and a place to be proud of.  We know how much you care about our planet and that you are passionate about keeping our environment tidy.  I'm sure that the people of Hadfield, it's visitors and all of the wildlife think you are amazing.  You may be small but you are making a 'big' difference!



The Great British Spring Clean 2023 No one is too small to make a big difference