Ms Cilla Hollman - Co-Opted Governor
I joined the governing body at Hadfield Infants, after serving as a parent governor, Local Authority appointed governor, Community governor and co-opted governor at the Duke of Norfolk School in Glossop. Over the years I have gained a great deal of experience which I wanted to pass on to another school, so I jumped at the opportunity when I heard of the vacancy here and was delighted to be co-opted. I am an active member of Derbyshire School Governors' Association, which exists to build links between the Local Authority and governors all over the county in order to help develop our strategic vision for our schools.
I have spent my working life in education, as a teacher of English as a foreign language in a variety of settings, including fifteen years abroad. I also train new teachers of EFL. I see education as a key to open a vast number of doors, and I want to help the children in our school to unlock the doors that will enable each of them to fulfil their individual potential. I am passionate about developing our children into active, resilient and valuable members of our community.
I have been inspired by the warm, positive atmosphere in our school and I am enjoying working with the governors and staff to provide the best possible outcomes for the wonderful children I have seen there.
Cilla Holman-Co-opted Governor –Chair of TLC
LINK governor -English
Appointed July 7th 2019 for a 4 year term
Attendance 2021-22 Full Governors 4/4
Resource Management N/A
Teaching and Learning 3/3