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Meet our Governors

If you would like to contact any of our Governors please email the school at and we will pass on your correspondence.


This school year saw a number of changes and developments which governors participated in .We were keen to promote our identified equality objectives. We encouraged full attendance and daily punctuality and acknowledged that the cost of living crisis had an impact on our families so offered support where possible. We supported the school staff in their curriculum areas and monitored and analysed pupil data and were presented with detailed evidence of good progress in all section of the Ofsted framework.

Unfortunately Miss Barnes had a period of absence in the first few months of 2023 due to family circumstances and bereavement but Mrs Kidd and other senior staff competently coped in meeting the needs of our children and the school. On returning Miss Barnes informed governors that she would resign her post in the summer and seek fulfilment in other challenges. Governors were fully involved in the process to select a new Headteacher and appointed Mrs Francesca Dodd for September 2023.

A period of transition was established as Mrs Dodd linked effectively with Miss Barnes, staff and governors to be very well prepared for taking on her new role at the beginning of the new school year. School holidays saw continued liaison with governors and staff by Mrs Dodd as she immersed herself in making sure all was ready when school opened its doors to our children on September 5th.

Kath Holtom

(Chair of Governors)

Miss Barnes –Attended all meetings of the Governing Body 2022-23 except 1 RMC and 1 TLC held during her absence.  Mrs Kidd substituted in her absence.

NB Governors have also attended meeting linked to working groups and curriculum meeting took place with relevant staff.


Full Governing Body J.Bardsley, G.Cross, C.Holman, K.Holtom, J. Ibbotson, John Pasiecznik, A.Robinson, Walker, C.Ward, A.Wilson,  B. Woods. 

Chair Kath Holtom 

Vice Chair Becki Woods 

Chair of Resource Management Keith Walker 

Chair of Teaching and Learning and Community Links Cilla Holman 

Strategy Group K.Holtom, B. Woods, K.Walker, C.Holman. 

RMC Committee K Walker, K.Holtom, B. Woods, J. Pasiecznik, C.Ward. 

TLC Committee C. Holman, K.Holtom, B. Woods, JPasiecznik, J. Bardsley, A.Robinson, J. Ibbotson, A. Wilson, G. Cross, 

Coordination of Governor Links –Kath Holtom 

EYFS- J. Ibbotson 

Year1-A. Robinson 


Child Protection and Safeguarding -Jenna Bardsley. 

SEND- J. Bardsley, J. Ibbotson, G.Cross 

Pupil Premium-RMC members 

Health and Safety –K.Holtom 

Community Links-Gill Cross 

Coordination of Curriculum Reports. - K.Holtom 

English -Cilla Holman 

Maths -Keith Walker 

Science -J. Ibbotson 

Humanities -J. Pasiecznik 

Art and Design/Design Technology- B. Woods 

Information Technology- B. Woods 

Physical Education -J. Bardsley 

Music- A.Wilson 

RE/RHE/PSHE, British Values- Kath Holtom. 


1. To ensure all children attend school every day and on time to ensure the progress of every child.

2. To concentrate on the effective development of a consistent Phonics system to support all children to become good readers.

3. To see ways in which any child and their families can be helped and supported in the cost of living crisis.

K Holtom - Chair of Governors